
The most “boring” product you’ll ever own?

By Jerry Yu Several years ago, a successful career woman named Julia purchased a million-dollar life insurance policy from me. Many of Julia's family and friends questioned her decision. After all, they pointed out, she was only forty-six years old, in excellent health, and had very little debt. She and her husband earned a good [...]

By |2022-09-26T01:53:17+00:00August 20th, 2022|Investing, Leave a Legacy, Protect your wealth|

Teresa Kuhn: The Mentorship of Nelson Nash Father of the Infinite Banking Concept #nelsonnash, #nelson-nash, #teresakuhn, #infinitebanking, #infinite-banking, #teresa-kuhn-livingwealthy, #livingwealthy For more money-saving, stress-reducing personal finance tips,  or to discover more about making every dollar you've saved do the work of three or four, visit my website at As an “Untaxable Wealth Strategist” I can help you to… Discover how you can regain control over [...]

By |2023-07-20T20:45:49+00:00July 19th, 2022|Watch and Listen|
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